Emerald twined crystals with mica and calcite


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Aesthetics Emerald Matrix
Very beautiful Emerald twined crystals combined with calcite and mica, unearthed from chitral Pakistan

Locality: Pakistan
Weight: 46.6 gram
Crystal: H, 3/ W,2.5 cm
Specimen: 3×5.5 cmEmerald specimen from chitral

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WA +923110099698


Combine emerald crystals with excellent terminations consisting of a dominant pinacoid and small pyramidal faces. The crystals are clear (gem quality) and have extraordinary luster and color with mica and calcite
Chitral district, KPK, PAKISTAN
Specimen size: 3× 5.2
Main crystal size: 3 × 2.5 cm 
weight: 46 gram

1 review for Emerald twined crystals with mica and calcite

  1. Robin Witthoft

    very nice post, i undoubtedly enjoy this fabulous website, keep on it

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